
glass, mirrors & steel agent

For dirt it’s game over. He likes honey… or rather mead

Teddover is our party animal. He likes the hard stuff, you need to know. After every honey night, he rubs his eyes and then the mirror in amazement. And the eyes again, and then the mirror again. Again and again. And still he doesn’t believe that he can look like that. But he knows how to turn his vice into virtue, profession and even hobby. He looks into mirrors and cleans them. And he does it great! Even with a hangover!

Whether you like looking in it or not, you certainly have a mirror, mirror on the wall. And although the picturesque smudges, stains and fingerprints are not a disgrace but an ornament for many, it must be admitted that the more of those, the less functional the mirror becomes. And then it ceases to be a mirror! Don’t let it happen! Save your mirror! True, you could use selfies instead and if you don’t have a mirror, you won’t have problems related to it, but there’s a better way. It’s called Teddover!

With him you can even see your Alter Ego in the mirror.
With him you there’s no fear of abuse. You can clean again and again.

His personality may be shady but his heart is as clear as a crystal. No animal ingredients, chlorine, PEG, SLS, formaldehyde etc. Yes, you’re right, the substance in formalin…Yuck!

Abra cadabra, hocke-pockey, give a chance to your own reflection in the mirror! Give a chance to Teddover!


Not just mirrors, but all glass will shine

Teddover doesn’t spread himself too thin. He is not an all-rounder, but a specialist. He is perfectly aware of his abilities and since they are… er… not unlimited , he chose mirrors and glass. And he shines at that too.


Good inside out

Come and drink with me!… He may be overusing but he is still a real connoisseur. The secret why Teddover is so good at what he does lies within. He has nothing to do with any disgusting chemicals. He’s not like that! That’s why the chemistry between the two of you can be so good!


He’s likable

Many identify with Teddover, many envy him. His riotous life impresses millions. He’s an icon that speaks more than a thousand words when he stands on a shelf. He’s a looker that will make everything he touches look good!


Not only for ladies

How many times, while spending long hours in front of the mirror, thinking/correcting make-up/looking at yourself, have you thought that you are inhaling chemical fumes after cleaning the mirror? Fumes that infiltrate your body? A zillion time probably, just like us. Get over this! Get Teddover!

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